I can't believe I have already been in school for a month. Time is flying by. I just finished my last midterm on Saturday and I am feeling pretty good about how they went. I am very anxious to see my grades. I think I will know how I did tomorrow or the next day! I am a little nervous since everything is on a forced curve, but I think all the studying paid off!
After my exam on Saturday morning, I came home got some schoolwork done and then had some people at my place before going to the class party. Some people rented out a room in the dorm building so we could all get together after the midterms. It was really fun! It was nice to not have to focus on studying for a night! We left the dorm room and headed out to the downtown area to go to a bar. Well that was the plan at least. We stood in line and waited at the door and when it was our turn to get in, they told us it was full. So we decided to just wait. So we wait a few minutes and we see lots of people coming out of the bar so we think we will get to go in soon. Well when he said the bar was full, what he meant to say is you are Americans and you are not allowed in! He pushed me and a few others aside and told the Germans behind me that they could come in. This irritated me so much! They discriminate so much against Americans here in certain places. So after the rude door guy told us that we are never getting into this bar we decided to go to another one. We waited in line and same thing happened! We were told that we were not allowed in because we were Americas. We were all really upset! I guess this is how the year is going to go! So we went to the usual casual bar that everyone normally goes to and sat there and had a few drinks. After that the night was over because everyone was not in a great mood from the earlier events!
So the night was fun at the beginning, but then I quickly realized we are not in America anymore! The Germans in my class (who also didn't get in because they were with too many Americas!) said that if we went in smaller groups than this may not have happened, but it just makes me sad that this happens at all. I guess I am so use to the "politically correct" ways of America where this sort of thing is not allowed.
Oh well.......
I saw that the dawgs lost AGAIN!! What is going on! I even wore my UGA shirt to my midterm on Saturday to give them a little luck- I guess it didn't work! My professor showed me a new link were I can watch live, yes LIVE football! So next game I will be able to actually watch the game. I am very excited about this! Todd and I will have our own little tailgate with German beer and schnitzel!!
I am going to a soccer game on Tuesday with my class. I am very excited about it. While I was here I wanted to get the chance to be in the stadium for a big game. Apparently it is really crazy and they really go all out for the soccer games, so that should be fun! And then on Thursday around 9 pm I get on a train and head to Parsberg to see Todd! We don't have class on Friday so I get a long weekend in Southern Germany. Todd and I are going to go to Oktoberfest on Saturday! I can't wait. Should be lots of fun!
Well that is an update on everything here! Oh- I am coming home for Christmas! I will only be in town for a few days though (not as long as I had planned) so hopefully I will get to see everyone soon!

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