Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ich spreche kein Deutsch


I have realized that my life here is just one large game of charades- I am constantly acting out what I want to say with my hands (and talking V E R Y  S L O W L Y)! I also have no real idea of what is going on around me and have become very good at blocking out everything, including the German language which has become white noise.

Well two weeks ago, I went into the town near work during lunch to buy a going away card for a friend at work that is moving back to Stockholm. As I stood around the racks and racks of cards I realized I had no idea what any of them were saying. I could guess which ones were for birthday's by the candles or the big 30 or 50 on them.. but that wasn't what I was looking for. Then I finally found a going away card. The picture on the front had a picture of a car driving away and I knew it said something about good luck- I figured this was perfect, a going away card! I paid my two euro's for the card and walked back to work. Later that night I asked my girlfriend (who is German) that was staying at my apartment for the week (problems with her boyfriend that she lives with) what the card said exactly. I was sure it was something having to do with best wishes, farewell or good luck, but I wanted to know exactly what was written on the inside of the card. She took the card and starting cracking up... she was laughing so hard that she couldn't even speak.. after looking at her with a confused look because I know that Germans do not have a sense of humor and I was pretty sure the card did not say anything funny she finally told me what it said... Congratulations on getting your driver’s license! Good luck driving!

First of all, that explains the picture of the car on the front driving away. Second of all, I didn't even know they made cards for that occasion!!! I know I never got one!

Well I gave my friend (who also didn't speak German) the card that night and asked him if he knew what it said and he played it off that he did and said that was very nice. Then I told him what it really said... I guess we had a good laugh, but from now on I will make my own cards! :)