I can’t even tell you how much fun I had with my parents here! We started in Rome where we had an amazing night tour of the city, a tour of the Colosseum and then finally the Vatican. We had such a great time! There is so much to see in Rome and I really think we saw it all! One afternoon while we were just walking around trying to find a less touristy place to eat lunch we jumped on a tram having no idea where it was going, but we knew our legs were tired and anything was better than walking anymore. So we hop on, no tickets and no idea what directions we are going…. Todd calls me so I get distracted and start talking to him on the phone and when I hang up I assumed we had gone a couple stops. So my mom is sitting in a seat and my dad and I are holding on to the poles so we don’t fall. My mom makes a comment about how I guess no one is going this way because everyone got off the tram. But we continue to wait for the tram to start up again and go to the next stop…. Then this little Italian lady comes up to the tram and says “finito” – we start cracking up and I guess she understood a little English also because when she heard us laughing and talking she starting laughing also. This tram has already made its last stop several minutes ago and we looked like idiots standing there waiting for it to go again! No wonder there was no one else on the tram! WOW! Well lots of funny things like that happened on our trip, but I loved just exploring and walking around not really knowing were you are going because that is when you find the best things!

My mom getting a back massage in the airport! ha! Rough life!
Then we went to Milan and saw the city for one day. After just one day in Milan we had enough of the city so we decided to figure out how to get to Lake Como and go out there the next day. We ended up getting on a train the next morning and it took about an hour to get out there and I am so glad we did this! We had the best time! It is beautiful! No wonder that is where George Clooney lives! We went on a boat to take us to another part of the Lake and since we didn’t really know what we were doing we got our tickets waited for the boat and realized after a couple stops that it was going to take us 2.5 hours to get to the next big city on the lake! Considering we only had one day there and about 6 hours left of that day this wasn’t the best thing! So once we got the city we wanted to go to we literally got right back on the same boat and headed back to the main city where we had to run to get on the train to bring us back to Milan! Even though we only got to see one city it was still so beautiful! Being on the lake on the boat was so nice. I miss being at the lake and this definitely beat any views I had ever seen while on a boat!

After Milan we went to Vienne where Todd joined us for a couple days. We found a great restaurant and walked around to all the beautiful must see’s and just had a great time! It was so fun waling around with Todd and my parents. We stumbled upon a jazz fest where they had food from all over the world and great beer and great music! We ended up having dinner there one night, which was so fun! Of course Todd and I wanted to go to the Coke tent which had American food and my parents were more interested in the Austrian foods- so we got a bunch of things to share and had a great time chatting over way too many beers!
TThen it was graduation time! I showed my parents around Hannover, which they were surprised was more of a city than a little German town. The morning of graduation I was so nervous I couldn’t even eat. I must have read through my speech ten times that morning and I still couldn’t calm myself down! I just wanted to do it so I could relax! Well the ceremony went great and I think the speech went well. I made people laugh and have fun, which was the plan so hopefully everyone enjoyed it! After I was done it was time to have some fun and meet everyone’s parents from all over the world. I have to say that was one of the coolest ceremonies I have ever been apart of. It was so amazing to see all the different nationalities all come together for their children, most of them wearing their gowns and national outfits. I met some of the nicest people all who opened their homes up if I ever make it to their countries!
All in all I had such a great time with my parents, Todd and all my classmates! I can’t believe it is over! What a year! I was very sad to say goodbye to my parents in Amsterdam. I wish they didn’t have to leave. After traveling everywhere and having such a great time with them it was hard to say goodbye. :( but I am so glad they came, it wouldn’t have been the same without them here! Now I just have to get my sister and brother over here!
YAY!!!! :) :) :) :)